PAMM System for Managing Traders
The PAMM-accounts system in InstaForex Company - the best way to attract investments in your trading system. If you do wish to attract investors` funds in your trading account, then the PAMM system with InstaForex will make your quest of investors maximally quick and convenient. After the registration in the PAMM system as a Managing Trader your account will appear at the monitoring board and Investors themselves will find you.
PAMM system facilities available for a Managing Trader:
- Operating with all investments in one account
- No limits for the amount of investments: an Investor may deposit from 1 to hundreds of thousands dollars getting the corresponding share in account
- Fast and convenient registration
- Account data display at the monitoring board after the registration
- Getting online requests from Investors
- E-mail and SMS notifications about requests on investing
- Option of the requests on investing declining: you accept only requests interesting for you
- Automatic calculation of Managing Trader`s profit share
- Automatic payment of Managing Trader`s profit share right after the refund to Investor
- Opportunity to pay a refund to Investor at Trader`s instigation: you get your part of profit at your instigation
- Opportunity of withdrawal your share from the account: after Investors fund your trading account you can withdraw your capital from the account (your part of free margin)
- Displaying at the monitoring board and possibility of your page advertising in the Internet
How to become a Managing Trader?
Any InstaForex Company`s client having a Forex trading account may become a Managing Trader within the bounds of PAMM-accounts system in InstaForex. If you do already have a trading account with InstaForex Company, in order to register in the system of PAMM-accounts you have to authorize in the Client cabinet and choose an item "PAMM system" in the left menu. Then you will have to go through the registration process in the system of PAMM-accounts which includes the name of investment project, contact information, which will be available for Investors, and settings of your PAMM-account display.
Immediately after the registration your account becomes a part of the PAMM system and appears at the monitoring board seen for potential Investors inside the Client cabinet at the official website of the company and at the sites of the partners.
You may start receiving the requests for funds investing in several hours after the registration. You accept or decline them. The list of Investors` requests is available in the PAMM section of the Client cabinet in the link "My investments".
To get additional information how to become a Managing Trader in the PAMM-accounts system of InstaForex Company please visit the page Registration in the PAMM-system.
Taking a part of Investors` profit.
The important part of the PAMM system is getting a part of Investors` profit by Managing Traders as a payment for investment management services. The share of profit is calculated on the basis of Managing Trader profit percentage. Thus, in case of investment and taking profit in the PAMM-account a Trader gets not only a part of his profit according to his percentage in the PAMM-account but also a part of Investor`s profit which is returned to the PAMM-account of a Managing Trader right after the refund process to Investor starts.
The example of Managing Trader`s PAMM-account work:
After the registration in the PAMM-accounts system and replenishing PAMM-account you begin to trade and demonstrate positive results of trading. Your account becomes a subject of Investor`s interest who makes a decision to invest funds. You get his request on funds investing, accept it and wait for the replenishing of your account with investment funds. Replenishment occurs once an hour, so approximate time of waiting does not exceed half an hour. Seeing the investments arrived you start trading. In case of getting profit your and Investor`s shares are displayed at the page of the account monitoring view. If you or Investor decides to start refunding process the share of Investor will be withdrawn. At the same time a part of Investor`s profit returns to your PAMM-account.