How to become a member of InstaForex PAMM-accounts system?
Do you want to accept investments from other traders or invest in other players on Forex market? Then you only need to have a trading account with InstaForex in order to be its unit. If you already have trading account with InstaForex, you may pass to the item 2. If not, perform the item 1 of the step-by-step instruction:
Registration of live trading account with InstaForex Company. You can open it following the link: | |
After getting the trading account, authorize in the client cabinet and click on the item "PAMM system" of left menu in the client cabinet. Then you will be offered to choose whom you want to be - investor or trader (you may open two accounts - one for PAMM-Investor, the second for PAMM-Trader), designate your personal information which will be transferred to your Investors and Managing Traders for them to contact you. Personal information is secured and will be visible only for those who invested funds in your account or accepted investment from you. | |
After filling in the application form of the PAMM-system in the client cabinet you will become a full-fledged member of the PAMM-system. Depending on which function you have chosen in the PAMM-system (Trader or Investor) you may accept investments or invest in other traders, whose accounts are available at the Monitoring page of the main site or in the client cabinet, section PAMM-Trader monitoring. |
Traders, your investors are already looking for you in the PAMM Monitoring!
Investors, hundreds and thousands of traders are ready to accept your investments from 1 to hundreds of thousands dollars!
Welcome to the InstaForex PAMM-accounts system!